The Coolest Mom

5 Ways To Make Your Teenager Think You Are The Coolest Mom

Every mom wants their teenagers to think they are cool. Whether you admit it or not, there’s nothing like having your teen kids say, “Mom, I’m so glad you’re cool and not like those other moms!” And having their friends think you’re cool is an ego boost, too.

But you have to be careful not to cross the line between cool mom and that mom that lets her kids get away with anything. The first one is awesome. The second mom is not helping her kids.

The following are a few ways that you can make your teenagers think you’re the cool mom but not have other moms thinking you’re the bad mom:

The Coolest Mom

Really listen when you’re teens talk

It doesn’t happen often so when they want to tell you about something, stop what you’re doing and listen.

Don’t try to make everything a life lesson

They aren’t dumb. Give them the benefit of the doubt because they likely already see the lesson in their experience. Not every conversation must be a lecture.

Hug your kids – in private

They don’t want their friends to know that they still need mom-hugs sometimes.

The Coolest Mom

Have a life

Kids hate it when you are hovering over them all the time. Be aware of what they are doing but get a hobby.

Give them a place to hang out with their friends

If teenagers don’t feel like they are welcome to have their friends over they will go somewhere else and that somewhere else might not be so great.  Keep snack foods in the house and welcome their friends.

You can be a cool mom and a good mom. For teenagers, being a cool mom is as simple as being approachable and understanding their needs. Give them privacy when they need it but be there when they need to talk.

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